Your AI powered financial
research assistant

Finlo is an AI-powered search tool that contains knowledge of earnings releases, financial reports, and other fundamental information for all S&P 500 and Nasdaq companies.

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4,301 people
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Financial research just got easier

Finlo gives you all the information you need to make data-driven decisions.

Stock Overview.

Get an overview of any stock, including key metrics, performance, and news highlights.

Industry Research.

Get detailed research on industry trends, market conditions, and sector performance.

Market Research.

Stay updated with market trends, news, and analyses impacting your investments.

Trending News.

Get the latest trending news on any stock, industry, or market.

Analysts' Opinions.

View expert analyses and opinions to gauge market sentiment and investment potential.

Financials & more.

Explore the financials, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow.

Business Plan Interface

Market Insights

Comprehensive Market Insights

Get detailed insights into the market with our AI-driven research assistant. Stay informed and make smarter investment decisions.

Make Informed Decisions

Utilize comprehensive market data to make well-informed investment choices, backed by accurate and current information.

Operate with Confidence

Access reliable data and analysis to confidently navigate the stock market, reducing uncertainty and enhancing decision-making.

Plan Ahead

Use our comprehensive market summaries to anticipate market trends and prepare for future investment opportunities.

Explore Opportunities

Discover New Companies

Leverage our AI-driven platform to uncover emerging companies and hidden gems in the market. Expand your portfolio with confidence.

Expand Your Horizons

Discover new investment opportunities by exploring companies that you might not have considered before.

Stay Ahead of Trends

Use advanced algorithms to stay ahead of market trends and identify promising companies early on.

Diverse Portfolio

Build a diverse portfolio by including innovative and high-growth potential companies identified by our AI.

Discover New Companies



Ideal for new investors.

Get started
  • Unlimited queries
  • 5 Years of Financial Data
  • Global Stocks Coverage


Perfect for intermediate investors.

Get started
  • Unlimited queries
  • 10 Years of Financial Data
  • Global Stocks Coverage


Tailored for experienced investors.

Get started
  • Unlimited queries
  • 30+ Years of Financial Data
  • Global Stocks Coverage

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Finlo leverages advanced AI algorithms to provide comprehensive financial research and analysis tools. By aggregating data from various sources, Finlo offers real-time monitoring, trend analysis, comparative insights, and personalized recommendations to help you make informed investment decisions. It simplifies complex financial information into understandable insights, ensuring you stay updated with the latest market trends and performance metrics..

What kind of information can I gather about a stock?

Finlo allows you to access detailed financial statements, performance metrics, historical data, risk factors, and market conditions impacting the stock. You can also compare stocks within the same sector or industry and receive analyses and reports from financial experts..

How does Finlo ensure the accuracy of its data?

Finlo aggregates data from reputable financial sources and employs advanced algorithms to ensure accuracy and relevance. Regular updates and continuous monitoring help maintain the integrity of the information provided..

If you can't find an answer to your question here, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you.

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Take your investing to the next level with AI.